Αvocado toast in various ways was, a few years ago, a real trend. However, although these trends usually come and go, still interests many people. Perhaps because it is such a versatile snack and can be eaten, literally, throughout the day.
It’s very simple. Toasted bread, mashed * or thinly sliced avocado and anything else you crave. Depending in the ingredients you use, you can prepare an avocado toast for breakfast, light snack in the office, quick and light lunch, afternoon snack or light dinner. Use your imagination and create your favorite combinations. You will enjoy a delicious and hearty snack and at the same time take advantage of the amazing properties of avocado.
The avocado toast was a great way to try the new Premium BRAVA sauces based on balsamic vinegar, the company very kindly sent me to try. Three of them ideally suited to the combinations I made. I should not forget to tell you that these sauces do not contain preservatives, added sugar and gluten.
- Avocado toast with crumbled blue cheese, dried fig, walnuts and ΒRAVA balsamic cream with fig.
- Avocado toast with fried egg, tomato sauce and cayenne pepper. Here’s what you can do with the leftover tomato sauce of yesterday’ pasta. Otherwise, thinly slice a fresh tomato.
- Avocado toast with pureed (or sliced) strawberries, with crumbled blue cheese and BRAVA balsamic cream with strawberry.
- Avocado toast with crumbled feta cheese sprinkled with za’atar.
- Avocado toast with Greek salad (thinly chopped tomato, onion and black olives) with BRAVA classic balsamic cream.
- Avocado toast with soft boiled egg and garam masala.
*Puree the avocado with salt, pepper (for a savory version) and some lemon or lime juice to prevent oxidation. I usually prepare more than I need and I keep the rest refrigerated for 2-3 days.
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