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    Carrot and Chickpea Salad

    Salad for today! A filling and delicious salad with carrots and chickpeas, and a fragrant dressing, with Moroccan influences. I really enjoy such salads! They fill you without weighing you and, in addition, it is a complete combination of flavors and aromas.

    In this salad you will find various flavors and textures and, I think that’s what makes it so interesting. Her complete title should be Carrot and Chickpea Salad, with Pumpkin Seeds, Sea Buckthorn and Moroccan Dressing 😀 Although this cannot be used as a title, it gives a full picture of what this salad is, right?

    Σαλάτα με Καρότα, Ρεβίθια, Κολοκυθόσπορο, Ιπποφαές & Μαροκινό Dressing - Carrot and Chickpea Salad, with Pumpkin Seeds, Sea Buckthorn & Moroccan Dressing

    As always, I used chickpeas from the freezer, as I told you before. The most practical way to have ready-made boiled chickpeas is to cook a large batch, strain them and store them in the freezer for hummus, salads, etc. I usually also keep the chickpea water in the freezer and use it in hummus , instead of water. You can see my hummus recipes here and here.

    Carrot and Chickpea Salad

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    By Evi Serves: 3
    Prep Time: 15 mins

    Carrot and Chickpea Salad, with Cranberries, Pumpkin Seeds, Sea Buckthorn and Moroccan Dressing


    • 2 handfuls of mixed green salad
    • 3 carrots (very thin strips)
    • 1 cup boiled chickpeas
    • 4 teaspoons of dried sea buckthorn (hippophaes)
    • 3 tablespoons coarsely chopped mint
    • 2-3 tablespoons of pumpkin seeds
    • dressing:
    • ¼ teaspoon cumin powder
    • 40 ml olive oil
    • 1 tablespoon of lemon juice
    • the zest of ½ lemon
    • ½ tablespoons of honey or maple syrup
    • ¼ teaspoon of salt
    • 1/8 teaspoon cayenne pepper



    Prepare the dressing by mixing all the ingredients in a bowl or a jar with a lid.


    In a large bowl, mix all the ingredients for the salad and pour in the dressing. Mix well and serve immediately.


    • 244 Calories
    • 21g Carbohydrates
    • 15.9g Fat
    • 5g Fiber
    • 7g Protein
    • 2.2g Saturated fat
    • 227mg Sodium
    • 6g Sugar


    Instead of cranberries, sea buckthorn or pumpkin seeds, you can use chopped almonds, raisins, sunflower seeds, goji berries etc.

    Διατροφική αξία ανά μερίδα (129g)


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