Now that the weather is getting warmer, there is nothing more reviving and refreshing than a smoothie. All you need is a blender and your imagination. There are endless combinations for yogurt, milk and fresh, or, frozen fruits. Today’s recipe is a chocolate smoothie full of flavor but without many calories.
Let’s begin discussing about the fruits. Banana is a basic ingredient for smoothies, due to its fabulous taste and smell. On the other hand, it adds the desired creamy, thick consistency to our drink. A really good advice to keep is to have sliced bananas kept in your freezer. In that case, you won’t have to add any ice cubes to your smoothies. And if you have some other frozen fruits as well, like strawberries, blueberries, etc., you can prepare refreshment in less than 5 minutes.
If you don’t like bananas have in mind that the riper the banana, the less it smells like one. So buy some bananas, let them ripe, really ripe (let them turn brown), put them in the freezer and try to make a smoothie with them.
I added some mint essence to my smoothie (saw it in Sally’sBakingaddiction). I think that my love for chocolate- mint combination goes back a long time. As a child I longed for those delicious, rectangular After Eight chocolates, filled with fragrant mint! Do you remember them? I still love them!
No-guilt Chocolate Smoothie
- 1 very large banana, or 2 smaller, sliced and frozen
- 2 heaping tbsp (15-20gr) cocoa powder
- ½ cup milk 2% ( or any other milk of your choice)
- 180gr Greek yogurt 2%
- 1/8 mint essence, or any other essence of your choice (optional)
Put all the ingredients in the blender and blend for about 3 minutes. You want a creamy, smooth and thick mixture.
Try it. Maybe you will want to add some more milk, cocoa powder, or, mint.
181.7 Calories
32.5g Carbohydrates
4.2g Fat
5.3g Fiber
9.9g Protein
2.6g Saturated fat
18.7g Sugar
Now you have a refreshing, full of protein, but low-calorie chocolate smoothie. Enjoy it!
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