Perfect timing to give you a recipe for creamy chicken soup, right… ?! 😀 It’s been a while since I wanted to post this recipe, but I hadn’t gotten…
Festive Recipes/ Healthy Meals/ Lenten/ Recipes/ Savory/ Soups/ Vegan/ Vegetables/ Vegetarian
Pumpkin & Rice Soup with Mushrooms
Happy New Year everyone! After a necessary break for me, I return with a new recipe, which comes to perfect timing with this cold weather here in Greece. I…
Festive Recipes/ Healthy Meals/ Recipes/ Savory/ Soups/ Vegetables/ Vegetarian
Pumpkin Soup with Grapefruit
(note: due to technical reason this post had to be re-published) I have often expressed my love for soups! They are healthy, with lots of nutritional ingredients usually, and…