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    Vegan Berry Ombre Cake

    Vegan τούρτα με σοκολατένιο παντεσπάνι από αλεύρι ολικής, χωρίς επεξεργασμένη ζάχαρη και με υπέροχη γεύση!

    Second post in a few days, ? I’ haven’t done this in years!  And a rather long post actually.  But, you see, it is that I have a habit every year on my birthday to publish a special dessert. And since I had promised a vegan cake, I prepared one for you! Vegan berry ombre cake;  a very tasty chocolate sponge cake with whole wheat flour, no processed sugar, no animal products and with a great taste! Happy birthday to me!  ?

    Vegan berry ombre cake with whole wheat flour

    Don’t be fooled by the glaze, it doesn’t have artificial colors either. Its purple color is due to blueberry powder, which is found in all health food stores and organic products. The glaze is essentially a blend of coconut cream and yogurt , colored with this powder.

    Vegan berry ombre cake with whole wheat flour

    The sponge cake is as I told you with whole wheat flour. It’s the first time I made it, and it got me excited. I flavored it with chokeberry (aronia) syrup that I had recently purchased and it fitted in perfectly. If you haven’t got one, I’d suggest a grape syrup that is equally aromatic and healthy.

    The cake is garnished with the berries which I always have in the freezer and a bit of grated chocolate. Believe me, it’s much easier than it seems! Let’s look at the recipe:

    Vegan Berry Ombre Cake

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    By Evi Serves: 12
    Prep Time: 20 mins Cooking Time: 45 mins

    A very tasty chocolate sponge cake with whole wheat flour, no processed sugar, no animal products and with a great taste! The purple colour is made with blueberry powder.


    • Cake:
    • 360 g finely ground whole wheat flour
    • 100 g cocoa powder preferably organic
    • 300 g coconut sugar
    • ½ teaspoon salt
    • 4 teaspoons baking powder
    • 375 ml almond mylk
    • 330 ml olive oil
    • 2 teaspoons apple cider vinegar
    • 1 tablespoon vanilla extract
    • 60 ml aronia syrup or grape syrup, or other syrup of your choice (see notes)
    • berries for garnishing
    • grated chocolate for garnishing
    • Icing:
    • 2 x 400ml cans coconut cream which we have refrigerated for at least 24 hours
    • 170 g coconut yogurt
    • 35 g maple syrup or, honey for non vegans
    • 2 teaspoons of blueberry powder



    Put, at least 24 hours before, coconut cream cans in the fridge. (When cooled, the coconut cream will rise to the surface of the can and will be separated from the water. When you open the can, you will just scoop the cream out and the water will stay in the can. See notes on how to use it.)


    Start by preparing the sponges. Preheat the oven to 170 o C.


    In a medium bowl, mix the almonds and vinegar and set aside for 5 minutes.


    In a large bowl mix the flour, cocoa and baking powder. Add the coconut sugar and salt and mix.


    Add olive oil and vanilla to the almond-vinegar mixture and mix well. Pour into the dry ingredients and fold the mixture until homogenized.


    Pour the mixture into two well-oiled non-stick springform pans of 20cm.


    Bake for 40-45 minutes, until a wooden straw pierce into the cake is only a few crumbs on it.


    In the meantime prepare the icing: take the coconut cream from the can and whisk with coconut yogurt and maple syrup, or, honey.


    Take about ¼ of the mixture in another bowl and mix with the blueberry powder.


    Put both bowls in the fridge until needed.


    Remove the cakes from the oven and allow them to cool for a few minutes, remove the side parts of the pans and allow cakes to cool completely.


    Once cooled, cut them into two sponges each, using the special tool, or a sharp saw knife.


    To prepare the cake: With a brush, moisten the first sponge cake with a little bit of syrup. Pour 2-3 tablespoons of the white icing over and spread evenly. Put the second sponge cake on it and pour a bit of syrup on it. Spread 2-3 tablespoons of glaze and spread evenly, as well. Repeat with the rest of the sponges


    Put 3-4 tablespoons of the white glaze left in another bowl and mix it with 1-2 tablespoons of the purple icing to prepare a lighter shade.


    With a pallet or the back of a spoon, spread the dark purple glaze on the bottom of the cake, continue with the lighter one and finish with the white, mixing them at the points where the colors come together.


    Garnish with berries and grated chocolate and serve.


    Icing and cakes can be made from the day before. Keep the icing covered in the refrigerator and the cakes wrapped in a cling film. It is preferable that the cake is refrigerated for a while before serving. Alcohol can also be used to moisten the sponges, or some strained jam diluted, if needed, with some lukewarm water. There are many options. I used 2 pans, but I think it can be made into one Note that the baking time will change slightly, and that you should cut the cake afterwards into 3-4 sponges. Because we do not throw anything away, ? use the coconut water left on the cans to make smoothies, or keep it in the freezer for later use.


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    November 4, 2020 at 10:05 pm

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